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ryan-flax-a2l-litigation-consultants-webinarPresenter: Ryan H. Flax, Esq., patent litigator and (Former) Managing Director, Litigation Consulting, A2L Consulting.

In this one-hour webinar, Ryan Flax shares Persuadius' best practices for patent litigators plus techniques amassed in his 13 years of trying cases with the law firm Dickstein Shapiro where he helped generate more than $1 billion in patent litigation jury verdicts.


  1. The science behind the use of litigation graphics in patent cases.

  2. How to create effective graphics for patent cases.

  3. Examples of effective graphics in patent litigation.

  4. Takeaways from 13 years of trying patent cases and 18 years of supporting patent litigation.


Complimentary and Without
Additional Obligation.


Watch the Patent Litigation Webinar Now