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Presenter: Ryan H. Flax, Esq., persuasion expert and (Former) Managing Director, Litigation Consulting, A2L Consulting.

ryan-flax-headshot-still-grayA2L's webinarWinning Your Case BEFORE Trial Using Persuasive Graphics, is pioneering and valuable, and you should watch it to benefit from the information shared. Presentor, A2L's (former) Managing Director of Litigation Consulting, Ryan H. Flax, Esq., regularly works with top trial teams to help develop, refine and test storylines and persuasive visual presentations for briefs, hearings, depositions, ADR, tutorials, and pre-indictment presentations.


  1. The high cost of litigation vs. the relative low cost of pre-trial resolution
  2. Why and how to frame your case as a story from the very beginning
  3. Effective graphics in unexpected places: depositions, ADR and hearings
  4. Techniques for persuading skeptical audiences with graphics
  5. Using litigation graphics persuasively in briefs and motions

    Here are the details of the free webinar:

    • What: 5 Ways to Maximize Persuasion During Opening Statements
    • When: Watch now
    • How long: 60 minutes + 5 minute Q&A
    • Where: Online, once registered you will receive a personal login link
    • How much: Free
    • Why: Understand how to best use litigation graphics to persuade and win your case, well before trial.
    • Who: Led by veteran litigator, Ryan H. Flax, Esq, A2L Consulting's (Former) Managing Director of Litigation Consulting.
    • How: Use the form to the right/below to register for the complimentary webinar.


Fill Out the Form & Watch Now