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The team at Persuadius includes top members of the litigation graphics consulting, jury consulting, and litigation consulting business. They enjoy sharing their knowledge in our popular webinars, often watched by thousands of people.

All recorded webinars are free to watch. Also, see our downloadable free e-books and our famous blog.

A2L Webinar-Maximize Opening Statements


How to Maximize Persuasion
in Opening Statements

Presented by Ryan Flax, a successful litigator, (Former) Managing Director of A2L's Litigation Consulting Team, adjunct trial advocacy professor, and top trial consultant.

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What Mock Juries Always Say

Taught by one of the world's top jury consultants who has observed more than 400 mock juries deliberate.

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How To Win Your Case Before Trial   Using Litigation Graphics

This 60-minute webinar will prove valuable and reveal persuasion secrets for winning cases before trial.

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Using PowerPoint Litigation Graphics
To Win Your Case

Taught by a litigator turned litigation consultant who is the top expert in the field of litigation graphics consulting.

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Using Storytelling As A Courtroom Persuasion Device

In this one-hour webinar, Dr. Laurie Kuslansky reveals the science behind why storytelling works while litigator turned litigation consultant Ryan Flax shares what he's learned about storytelling, particularly visual storytelling, while trying complex cases for a dozen years. 

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Maximizing Persuasion in Patent Litigation

Patent litigator turned litigation consultant shares secrets from a dozen years trying cases and working on dozens of cases per year as a litigation consultant. 

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How Can Litigators Meld Expert Evidence With Winning Arguments?

Dr. David Schwartz shares how sophisticated litigation teams use both testifying and consulting experts to stay on message. Ryan Flax shares what he's learned about explaining complicated subject matter while trying complex cases for a dozen years. Ted Dunkelberger describes how to pick the best experts. 

  • "We made the right decision when we hired you. You are absolutely the best."

    Holland & Knight
  • "I am very happy with the quality of A2L's work and happy with the graphics. One of the best jury consultants I have worked with."

    Gibson Dunn & Crutcher
  • "If you are in need of highly qualified, creative, diligent and personable providers of trial graphics, I recommend A2L. They were wonderfully helpful and supportive of our team and demonstrated, repeatedly, real skill in creating graphic and demonstrative exhibits that captured the essence of our presentation. Just as important, they did this under extreme time and quality pressure and, always, with a smile."

    Foley & Lardner
  • "Your team did a very nice job on the simulation in the engine case and I will certainly keep and your team in mind for future litigation support needs."   

  • "You guys were great, I’ll definitely use you again."

    Fidelity National Law Group