Expert Witness Trial Graphics Services
Expert witnesses provide a necessary service; however, many times the content of the testimony or just the subject matter in general is extremely difficult for a judge or jury to understand. At A2L Consulting we are experts are creating descriptive and accurate trial graphics and PowerPoint presentations to make expert witness testimony more relatable to the average juror.
Many times experts are opining on extremely complicated issues, such as mathematical equations, financial data, toxicity amounts and structural designs. When the typical person listens to this testimony, it is going to be extremely difficult to follow and to understand. A2L Consulting can take these sometimes foreign concepts and create helpful visual presentations as support to the expert witness testimony. The visuals are usually a simpler way for a jury to understand these complicated concepts while still maintaining the integrity of the opinions.
Aside from reading the expert witness’s reports, our team can recreate expert-created trial graphics so that the same data is presented to the jury or judge in a more professional and eye-catching manner. Our litigation consultants will also work with your expert witnesses in recreating any trial graphics and in also forming new trial graphics based on the expert’s report.
Because A2L Consulting has experience with technological, scientific, environmental and many other expert witness issues, our team is equipped to easily understand and translate the data from expert to layperson. With our experience, we can help shed some light on which particular aspects of the expert’s report or opinion will be especially confusing for a jury or judge, and focus on making those particular issues more jury-friendly for trial.
In some instances, attorneys do not feel comfortable having our litigation consultants working directly with the expert. In those cases, our litigation consultants will work with the trial team itself to recreate expert trial graphics or general new trial graphics for the testimony. We understand the difficult nature of the issues the expert witnesses may be speaking to and recognize the importance that the trial team is comfortable with our team’s access to materials.
A2L Consulting has developed its expertise in creating relatable and visually appealing trial graphics to support expert witness testimony since 1995. We have worked with federal government experts, environmental law experts, medical technology experts, countless patent experts and many more. We can work with your expert witnesses in any capacity either directly or through your trial team.
Also read 7 Ways to Help an Expert Witness Give Better Testimony
Have Questions or Need Help?
Contact Persuadius 24/7 to run I would be happy to serve as your point of contact for questions about jury consulting, mock trials, litigation graphics, in-court trial support technicians, visual advocacy and other litigation consulting services:Michele Hargrove
Director, Client Development
About A2L Consulting
A2L Consulting offers litigation consulting services to law firms and corporations worldwide. The firm's services include jury consulting, trial graphics, the consultative design of litigation graphics and deployment of pre-trial technology, courtroom electronics and the personnel to support that technology. A2L headquarters is in Washington, DC and it has personnel or a presence in New York, Miami, Houston, Chicago, Los Angeles and San Francisco. The firm's work routinely takes it to those cities plus Boston, Newark, New Jersey, Wilmington, Delaware, Philadelphia, Virginia, Maryland, Atlanta, Dallas, Phoenix and London, England. Since 1995, A2L Consulting has worked with litigators from 100% of top law firms on more than 10,000 cases with trillions of dollars cumulatively at stake.