Trial Presentation Services, Articles and Whitepapers
We are often asked about our trial presentation services. As a leading national expert and provider of trial presentation services, A2L Consulting works with trial teams worldwide to develop winning trial presentation strategies. We have built trillions of dollars of success stories since 1995, one trial at a time.
Our core belief is that well-tested, well-designed and well-presented trial presentation will change the decision-making behavior of judges and juries. Since we have seen jury and judge say as much about our work, time and time again, this belief is based on more than gut-instinct -- it is based on real world experience.
Since 1995, we have had the honor and privilege of working with litigators from all major law firms on more than 10,000 cases with trillions of dollars cumulatively at stake. Below are a number of trial presentation whitepapers and articles that will help you learn more about our firm and trial presentations generally. We invite you to contact us with any questions that you may have as well.
- The Litigation Consulting Report: Our blog is a go-to location for information on trial presentation.
- The Patent Litigation Trial Presentation Toolkit EBook: We literally wrote the book on patent litigation trial presentations . . . and it is a free download.
- 20 Things to Consider Before Engaging a Trial Technician: A great trial presentation that has been tested as great is made better through flawless courtroom presentation. Learn what to watch out for when hiring your hot seat operator.
- 10 Reasons Preparing Litigation Graphics Early Helps Win More Cases: A trial presentation always helps a case. Once prepared early helps a case the most. Here's why.
- 3 Year Study Results on Litigator-Juror Communication Gaps: Our study changed the way people looked at trial presentations. Find out why lawyers naturally hesititate when making a trial presentation.
- Download A2L Consulting E-Brochure: If you are looking for a pdf e-brochure to share with your colleagues about A2L Consulting, this document will serve that purpose and provide an overview of our services plus national contact information.
- Free E-Booklet on Trial Team Leadership: This e-book contains articles related to challenges faced by leaders of trial teams, in-house counsel managing litigation and relates to litigation management generally.
- Other Articles & Press: Follow this link to learn more about the history of the firm since 1995 and to read articles we have written.
Have Questions or Need Help?
Contact Persuadius 24/7 to run I would be happy to serve as your point of contact for questions about jury consulting, mock trials, litigation graphics, in-court trial support technicians, visual advocacy and other litigation consulting services:
Michele Hargrove
Director, Client Development