by Ken Lopez
We are always interested in knowing what interests our readers – so that we can offer more helpful information on this blog as we refine our interests and learn what our readers want.
Here are our top 10 blog posts for the third quarter of 2012, in the order in which they were viewed and downloaded by readers such as you. It’s interesting that the #1 post for the quarter involved a very current issue – the Apple v. Samsung patent litigation.
We predicted that in the Apple v. Samsung case, the outcome would be the result of good storytelling and demonstrative evidence, not necessarily the best legal case. We are not surprised that the blog posts that focus on storytelling are often the most popular. People like a good story, and to the extent that a trial presentation mirrors that interest, it will be successful.
Demonstrative Evidence & Storytelling: Lessons from Apple v. Samsung Tweet
12 Reasons Bullet Points are Bad in Trial Graphics or Anywhere Tweet
Patent Litigation Graphics & Storytelling Proven Effective: The Apple v. Samsung Jury Speaks Tweet
16 Trial Presentation Tips You Can Learn from Hollywood Tweet
9 Trial Graphics and Trial Technology Budget Friendly Tips Tweet
6 Trial Presentation Errors Lawyers Can Easily Avoid Tweet
5 TrialDirector Techniques for Seamless Trial Presentations Tweet
How a Litigation Consultant Can Help You with Closing Statements Tweet
7 Ways to Draft a Better Opening Statement Tweet
Comic Brief for Your Comic Relief: Teaching with Graphics Tweet
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