by Ken Lopez
Founder & CEO
A2L Consulting
At A2L Consulting, we not only try to serve our clients and to produce great results at trial; we also want to become thought leaders in the trial consulting world and to educate lawyers, experts, and others on the exciting developments that are going on, both in research on juries, persuasion and other topics, and in the actual use of trial techniques.
All of our ebooks are free to anyone. You need not be a client of A2L. In the past two years, more than 10,000 free ebooks have been downloaded from A2L Consulting's site.
We release a new book focused on a particular area of the legal industry just about every month. Our first ebook, back in 2011, was not even 10 pages long. Some of our recent books have been more than 150 pages long.
Most of our ebooks feature a curated list of articles culled from our hundreds of published blog posts and other articles on litigation topics plus a few extras. All have been released completely free in the spirit that we can elevate the quality of work being done in the litigation consulting industry.
For example, the Complex Civil Litigation Trial Guide, our most popular download so far, is 174 pages and is designed for the trial lawyer preparing for a complex case. But the insights in it can help almost anyone who wants to learn more about trial strategy and tactics.
The topics in that ebook include: Seven Ways to Draft a Better Opening Statement, How to Embrace a Two-Track Strategy and Win the War, Six Reasons the Opening Statement is the Most Important Part of a Case, How Timelines Can Persuade Judges and Juries, and Ten Videos to Help Litigators Become Better at Storytelling.
This ebook, like many of our other offerings, starts with the premise that the most important thing that a litigation consultant can do to help a trial team is to focus on the story that that trial team wants to develop. A litigation consultant brings not only the common sense that a fresh pair of eyes offers but also the experience of having seen, in hundreds of trials, what works and what does not work.
So one of the reasons this ebook has succeeded so well is that it can help any trial team develop a case and win at trial. It shows how to master the complexities of your case, yet still remain able to explain them to a judge or jury in a straightforward manner.
It also shows how to pick a trial graphics consultant to support your work, what to do when your trial team goes bad as a result of the anxiety that understandably can accompany any piece of complex litigation, and how trial graphics can explain even the most complicated scientific and engineering concepts to a jury.
Here are our top 10 litigation ebooks listed in descending order by download count.
Complex Civil Litigation Trial Guide (1st & 2nd Editions) - 1,918 Downloads, released Feb 25, 2013
Patent Litigation Trial Presentation Toolkit (1st & 2nd editions) - 1,669 Downloads, released September 10, 2012
Litigation Support Toolkit (1st & 2nd editions) – 998 Downloads, released February 24, 2013
Litigation Timeline Reference Book - 943 Downloads, released March 6, 2012
Antitrust Litigator's Trial Prep & Trial Presentation Guide - 807 Downloads, released October 17, 2012
Leadership Lessons for the Trial Team Leaders (1st & 2nd editions) – 676 Downloads, released TKTK
Storytelling for Litigators - 589 Downloads - Released March 11, 2013
How to Find the Top Trial Technicians (1st & 2nd editions) 417 Downloads, released August 22, 2012
Environmental Litigator's Trial Presentation Handbook (1st and 2nd Editions) 395 Downloads, released December 24, 2012
Litigator-Jury Communications 3-Year Study Results 359 Downloads, released January 2, 2007

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