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Top 12 Articles of 2012 from Our Trial Consultants

Kenneth J. Lopez, J.D.
By: Kenneth J. Lopez, J.D.

Trial Technicians, Trial Consultants, Litigation Graphics, Trial Presentation, Jury Consulting, Litigation Consulting, Trial Consulting, Demonstrative Evidence, Jury Consultants, Articles

trial consultants top 12 articles 2012by Ken Lopez
Founder & CEO
A2L Consulting

Looking back at 2012, our trial consultants have published more than 100 articles on a wide variety of litigation-related topics including trial exhibits, mock trials, money-saving trial preparation techniques and much more..

Here are the 12 most popular posts of the year – the ones that you chose to read or download the most. They are presented in descending order of readership.

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apple samsung trial consultants key to victory1. Demonstrative Evidence & Storytelling: Lessons from Apple v. Samsung: In this high-stakes intellectual property case, techniques used by trial consultants made the difference, or a good deal of it.


analogies and metaphors for lawyers from a2l trial consultants2.  Lists of Analogies, Metaphors, and Idioms for Lawyers These time-honored techniques of argument are extremely effective in presenting arguments to judges and juries. They can help explain highly arcane science and engineering concepts to a jury. Here are some of the best.


bullet points are bad in trial presentation say trial consultants3.  12 Reasons Bullet Points Are Bad in Trial Graphics or Anywhere  You would be surprised that top trial consultants and other experts on trial presentation agree that bullet points are among the most ineffective ways to present information to juries.


apple samsung trial consultants storytelling verdict4.  Patent Litigation Graphics Storytelling Proven Effective The Apple v. Samsung Jury Speaks: Post-trial interviews in the case completely validate the point that great IP graphics made the difference in the case.


trial consultants learn from movies lawyers hollywood fictional litigators5.  16 Trial Presentation Tips You Can Learn From Hollywood How to project credibility and sincerity the way great actors do. In trial presentation, can life imitate art? Here are some of the best examples of how Hollywood presents the world of litigation.


tips for cutting the trial consulting spend budget6.  Trial Graphics and Trial Technology: Budget-Friendly Tips: In today’s world, budgets can be more of a concern than they once were. That shouldn’t prevent a trial consultant from creating great trial graphics.


storytelling for lawyers litigators by a2l trial consultants7.  10 Videos to Help Litigators Become Better at Storytelling: There are many great approaches, and not all of them come from the world of the courtroom. Storytelling experts of all sorts can help.


body language picking juries a2l trial consultants new york philadelphia8.  7 Videos About Body Language Our Litigation Consultants Recommend Body language is definitely not an exact science, but trial consultants can still learn a great deal from experts in the field. What the best and the brightest have to say about this.



confirmation bias comic sans trial consultants study9.  Font Matters: A Trial Graphics Consultant’s Trick to Overcome Bias: Can the use of a hard-to-read type face overcome jurors’ initial biases and make them easier to persuade? A recent and surprising psychological study says the answer may be yes.


litigation graphics tricks and cheats trial consultants avoid10.  Five Demonstrative Evidence Tricks and Cheats to Watch Out For Statistics do lie, when they are in the hands of deceptive operators. Look for all sorts of tricks that are used to deceive judges and juries. The old “percentage of what?” trick is a good one. And take a look at the “slippery scale.”


obama powerpoint trial consultants praise11.  Presentation Graphics: Why the President Is Better Than You For at least the past two years, President Obama's team has created PowerPoint-style presentation graphics designed to support his speeches and policies. The work they are doing is excellent and is relevant to trial attorneys and lobbyists alike.


demonstrative evidence nightmare avoid by using a2l trial consultants chicago washington dc virginia alexandria12. Twenty-Four Mistakes That Make for a DeMONSTERative Evidence Nightmare Being boring, using the wrong colors, relying on bullet points, failing to rely sufficiently on experts, failing to mix your media – literally dozens of mistakes that trial consultants can make. Here’s how to avoid them.



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