by Ken Lopez Founder/CEO A2L Consulting
by Ken Lopez Founder/CEO A2L Consulting
by David H. Schwartz Managing Director, Scientific Support to Counsel, Innovative Science Solutions The key to any toxic tort case involving complex scientific concepts is retaining the right experts. However, as any experienced litigator well knows, finding the right expert is not a simple or straightforward matter. Although getting the right lead on a specific individual can be challenging, half the battle is often identifying the right type of expert for your case.
By Ken Lopez Founder/CEO A2L Consulting When your trial technology fails, you fail in the eyes of your jury.
by Ken Lopez Founder/CEO A2L Consulting I have seen some great law firm litigation graphics departments over the past 20 years. The best was at Howrey, which is where A2L's second team member and others came from in the mid-1990s. Back then, Howrey's litigation graphics department was led by an Academy Award-winning artist and producer.
Much has been written about the hero's journey as Joseph Campbell described it in his seminal work, The Hero with a Thousand Faces. In this 1949 book, Campbell asserts that storytellers worldwide, in their best stories, have for centuries used a story structure that he calls the monomyth. From Beowulf to Ulysses to Luke Skywalker, the pattern is seen over the ages.
Mock trials can be incredibly useful for lawyers and litigators who want to get a better understanding of how their case might play out in court. However, without proper preparation, a mock trial can be a waste of time and resources. That's where jury consultants come in. These professionals can help you prepare for a mock trial by providing valuable insights and feedback. Here are nine tips for a successful mock trial with the help of jury consultants.
by Ken Lopez Founder/CEO A2L Consulting We at A2L Consulting have just published a new, completely free, e-book that anyone who’s interested in trials and litigation should have. No more comprehensive volume on litigation graphics exists, at any price.
Persuadius (formerly A2L Consulting) has extensive experience in complex litigation. For over twenty-five years, we have worked with all top law firms on more than 10,000 matters with at least $2 trillion cumulatively at stake. Persuadius (as A2L) is regularly voted best jury consultants, best trial consultants, and best litigation graphics consultants.
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