In most trial presentations, the trial timeline is often the single most critical demonstrative exhibit used at trial. Much like an effective opening statement, the trial timeline: Orients the viewer; Provides a framework around which facts can be organized; Allows for easy comparison of events occurring in sequence or simultaneously; Builds trust and credibility by sharing a believable story; and even persuades when built correctly.
One of the most important jobs of the trial lawyer and of the litigation consultant is to make highly complex and technical issues understandable to the average juror who does not have a scientific, engineering or technical background. In technology cases, especially patent cases, using demonstrative evidence is normally a good tactic. Here's why. The trial lawyer has spent months or probably years delving into every aspect of the case, and by the time it gets to trial, even the most arcane subjects can appear simple to him or her. Of course, that doesn’t mean they are easily understood by the general population of which the men and women in the jury box are a representative sample. Think of the challenge as needing to explain a complicated subject to a kid or to your grandparent; it takes creativity (and visual presentations - e.g. demonstrative evidence) to make the concept digestible to all audiences.
Very often, trial lawyers face what feels like an impossible dilemma. The case that they want to present is extremely complex, intensely tedious or worse yet, both.
Demonstratives can frequently be used very effectively in product liability litigation, in which the issue is whether a product was manufactured negligently, causing harm – or in some cases, whether a product that was manufactured and used properly still caused harm to a consumer that leads to liability on the part of the manufacturer or seller.
Electronic presentation tools such as PowerPoint and Trial Director have changed the way in which lawyers and trial consultants present evidence to juries. These programs and others like them are so flexible and helpful in presenting numerical data, timelines, biological processes, the workings of machinery, and other information that in many ways they have displaced the old-fashioned methods such as printing words and graphics on foam core trial boards.
by Ken Lopez Quite often, the subject matter at issue in a major trial is very complex and technical and is not intuitively obvious for a jury composed of laypersons, or even a judge, to understand. In fact, that’s why trial consulting companies like us emerged in the early 1990s – to help lawyers explain in a clear visual manner what’s at stake in a case, so that judges and jurors will be able to understand the facts and make a well reasoned decision. As a Texas trial lawyer has written, “The typical jury has a 14th-grade education, a 12th-grade comprehension level, and a 9th grade attention span. The implications of this are important in presenting scientific or technical information to a jury. For one thing, it means you cannot assume the jury will have any pre-existing knowledge or understanding of the information you are trying to convey, particularly if it involves a scientific or technical matter.” In cases involving product liability, patents, the environment, antitrust, and other areas of law, courtroom presentations ranging from the most basic photograph or chart to the most complex computer-generated presentation have been a staple for sophisticated litigators for decades.
Litigation graphics can be especially useful in aviation cases. Nearly every juror has been an airline passenger at some point, and jurors know that while most flights are uneventful, mistakes committed by airline employees or others can result in serious injury or death. A good trial exhibit will illustrate exactly what happened on the flight and will properly evoke people’s concerns about flying, without being improperly inflammatory. For example, in two high-profile airline trials in the 1990s, using only the technology that was available at that time, we produced highly persuasive trial animations and other litigation graphics.
In trial presentation graphics, a great deal can depend on the quantity of data that is presented to the jury and on the way in which it is presented. For example, it has become conventional wisdom that humans generate pollution in the form of carbon dioxide, that carbon dioxide and other pollutants cause a greenhouse effect on the planet, and that this effect noticeably raises global temperatures and/or causes climate change. Al Gore's movie, An Inconvenient Truth, cemented this belief in the minds of the public and future jurors, largely through the use of effective visual presentations. The U.S. Government chart below captures the conventional wisdom well. As large quantities of carbon dioxide entered the atmosphere with rapid industrialization in the past 100 years or so, global temperatures went up, it shows.
A picture is worth a thousand words, and when it comes to effective storytelling, no statement more aptly applies. One of the biggest challenges attorneys have when telling their story is conveying to their audience the complex ideas and legal concepts in their case in a manner in which the information will be understood. Leading up to trial, an attorney is frequently faced with this question: how do I get my audience to understand information imperative to my case and how do I make it memorable? One of the key roles an attorney takes on when faced with a legal proceeding is that of a teacher. One must teach the fact-finders the facts and the laws that apply to the case and why the stated interpretation of the facts and the laws is the correct one. That is where trial graphics and other trial presentation techniques come in – taking complex case themes and legal concepts and turning them into simplified visual models that are more easily understood and digestible to the average fact finder. With this requirement of effective communication of case facts being ever present, graphics and animations have become vital tools in the modern litigator’s arsenal. I dare say there are few attorneys these days that go to court without some type of demonstrative evidence or technology; whether it is graphics or documents loaded into a trial presentation database. Many areas of law lend themselves particularly well to the use of graphics. For example, patent litigation virtually requires the inclusion of memorable trial graphics. The technology in a patent can be (and often is) very complex. For the non-expert the content is difficult to understand and even more challenging to explain to the average person who may not have a scientific or technical background. Sometimes the ability to show a process or a function of a patent - how something works -- as opposed to trying to explain it with words and documents – makes the difference between winning and losing. Such was the case recently where our firm helped a trial team obtain the 6th largest patent verdict in history. Illustrative of such visual presentation ideas, I have included a sample PowerPoint Markman claim construction hearing trial graphic below that portrays a creative use of animation in PowerPoint. This case involved a patent infringement claim where the plaintiff claimed the defendants were infringing their patent for automated systems for selecting and delivering packages to fill prescription drug orders. The intent of this demonstrative was to reproduce the function of the machine at issue in PowerPoint in order to visually show how the machine worked as opposed to using documents and the patent to explain how the machine works. At Animators at Law, we provide demonstratives that are communicative and educational while also being stimulating enough to keep the jury engaged. We do this by creating trial graphics that clearly explain the concepts a trial team is conveying to the jury so that they will understand the facts and legal arguments of the case through the use of memorable demonstratives that resonate with the jury or fact finder.
The art and science of animated trial graphics has evolved dramatically over the past 10 years. Animation used to refer only to 3-D animations that were produced with programs such as Autodesk Maya or Autodesk 3ds Max, formerly 3D Studio MAX. Now a much broader array of animation tools is available to the courtroom animator, and each one has its own niche and its own strong points. We are able to provide animations of all of these varieties in-house, and we work with our clients to select the one that is best in terms of persuasive power, applicability to the problem at hand, and cost. We have done this since 1995. PowerPoint Animation
Persuadius (formerly A2L Consulting) has extensive experience in complex litigation. For over twenty-five years, we have worked with all top law firms on more than 10,000 matters with at least $2 trillion cumulatively at stake. Persuadius (as A2L) is regularly voted best jury consultants, best trial consultants, and best litigation graphics consultants.
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